Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

ODAH (Obrolan Ibadah)

Obrolan dengan seorang siswa dari UK yang baru belajar Islam
H = Mualaf ; S = Tutor

H : Can I just pray 2 times, instead of 5 times?
S : As a moslem, pray 5 times a day is compulsory, you know that.
H : I don't have time, I'm busy with my schedule, have to wake up early in the morning, the school, the sport, and many know
S : mmmhhh (lagi mikir tiba2 denger azan)....hey, it's already time to sholat dzuhr, come on let's pray with me. I'll lead...
H : mmmhh, okay...I'll pray with you
(Beres doa abis sholat)
H : hey, you know, that was fast....
S : What? The pray?
H : Ya, how many counts we did anyway?
S : We did 4 raka'ah...
H : I think we did it only in about 4 minutes (sambil ngelipet sajadah)
S : it was? Well i didn't know you were counting.
H: so 5 times 4 minutes, it's mean 20 minutes in 24 hours !!!.
S : Yes, ALLAH only ask 20 minutes of your daily life...
H : Hey you know, i don't mind then, it's only 4 minutes. It's like nothing....piece of cake
S : oh okay...Allhamdulillah

Hikmah :

Kata Rasulullah SAW " Jika menjadi imam, permudahlah, karna di jamaah sholat ada anak kecil, orang tua, yang sdng sakit, dan yang sedang ada keperluan".
Nurut Rasulullah bakalan banyak dapet berkah, waspadalah :D

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